December 2013 - n°6
On the agenda: new logo, new website and SIGELEC joins Twitter.

The entire SIGELEC team is delighted to share the following end-of-year news with its graduates:

The new logo has landed:

The website is getting a new look: http://www.sigelec.asso.fr/    

Online payment for the annual subscription is now available on this link:http://www.sigelec.asso.fr/cotisation

Twitter news: Follow SIGELEC and read its tweets: @SigelecAlumnihttp://twitter.com/SigelecAlumni

Use this link to find alumni for subscribers: http://carto.sigelec.asso.fr/

Graduate Student Mentoring service launch: would you be interested in mentoring a student during their course? Please contact Sigelec and mentor one or more students in their decisions and course choices during the course.

Last but not least, a fantastic Alumni evening took place on December 11th and saw 85 people meet in Levallois to discuss careers, opportunities and research. There was a great atmosphere and Bruno Lescure’s hosting skills were exemplary!

Contact : Thierry Davignon, SIGELEC president, sigelec@esigelec.fr