February 2013 - n°4
Ingénieur, Ingénieure, pourquoi pas toi ?

For the 7th year in a row, this conference/debate entitled “Ingénieur, Ingénieure, pourquoi pas toi ?” (“Why not become an engineer?”) is aimed at secondary school students, headteachers, teachers, career guidance professionals and anyone concerned by the topics addressed.
The 2013 event will take place on Friday 8 March 2013 from 9.15 am to 11.30 am in Mont Saint Aignan at Esitpa, 3 rue du Tronquet Mont-Saint-Aignan.

CESI, ESIGELEC, Esitpa and INSA Rouen, in partnership with the Local Education Authority, ONISEP, the Regional Delegation for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, and the Elles bougent association, are putting on a conference-debate with the aim of promoting engineering careers.

The chosen date of 8 March, International Women’s Day, is no coincidence. Testimonials from engineering students and graduates will reflect the diversity of careers in the sector, while emphasising the importance of equality.

As well as the testimonials, the students will take part in an interactive game that challenges certain preconceptions about the tastes, interests and abilities that are commonly attributed to girls and boys.

The event opening will be attended by Vincent Auber, head of the Academic Information and Career Guidance Service, and Marion Perrier, Regional Delegate for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.

Anyone wishing to attend this conference should register with Esitpa: ggarry@esitpa.org - 02 32 82 91 67.