October 2012 - n°3
ESIGELEC turns to Switzerland

On July 11th, ESIGELEC and hepia Genève signed a partnership agreement. Hepia is part of the University of Applied Sciences and Artists Western Switzerland (HES-SO). It teaches HES bachelor degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Micro-Engineering, IT Engineering, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Building Management, Agronomy and Nature Management. It also teaches Masters degrees, namely in the field of engineering, in partnership with other Swiss HES schools.

The agreement includes student exchange programmes for Engineer, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees. It also involves a cooperation between teachers in teaching, research and higher education.

The Head of hepia Geneva, Yves Leuzinger, said: “This agreement enables us to bounce off one another and create a dialogue between our teaching bodies”. Eric Durieux, the Managing Director of ESIGELEC added: “This is an important partnership in terms of strategy with the aim to encourage student exchange programmes to broaden our respective teaching skills, teacher cooperation and identify potential research partnerships. It’s a good match for the values of a highly operational engineering school such as ours which works closely with companies and those of a HES such as hepia.”

The signature in images

For further information about hepia : hepia.hesge.ch

Contact : Cecilia Brunel, Assistant Head of International Relations and Programmes, cecilia.brunel@esigelec.fr